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Contact Perimeter Protective Systems today for a free security consultation - 866-633-3813.

Effective consulting identifies real, practical problems in structures, practices, policies of operation and behavior that are “accidents waiting to happen” or security breaches that have systematically been missed.

Major Industrial Distributor – Bensalem PA

Company employed guard at gate station. Had sign “Must Stop at Gate.” We observed that no one stopped at gate and everyone just drove right in.

Concrete Plant – Philadelphia

Plant had existing cameras but those were only viewed at random times during the day by staff. We recommended an electronic system to convert cameras from this random use to full 24/7 monitoring by computer video analytics, primarily engaged after hours.

Utility Company – Philadelphia

Utility owned an abandoned coal pier on the Delaware River. They decided to not go forward with a half-million dollar security project they bid out to protect pier from riverboat pirates. We observed their bigger risk, which they had missed, was kids on dirtbikes entering from landside into a very hazardous area. 

Private Executive Estate – Montgomery County

Existing burglar alarm installed by a leading major alarm company had radio backup dialer if telephone wires were cut. The telephone wires were plainly accessible from ground level. During a break-in, the telephone wires were cut and the radio backup did not work. The system was not “supervised” meaning there was no indication of wires being cut or radio not functioning. We were contacted following break-in and per our recommendation, the home owner rerouted telephone wires to enter at attic level, not ground level. We identified that the radio dialer was the wrong type to function in the non air-conditioned space where it was located, the glass break sensor was on wrong wall, and a motion sensor was in the wrong location. A “mock strike” by the original alarm company would have revealed these deficiencies without the loss of over $200,000 in uninsured collector’s valuables, and the anguish and the time associated.

Low Income Housing – Vineland NJ

Housing unit had controlled access motorized slide gates but unauthorized cars would tailgate in behind the tenants’ car.  We installed cameras with status alert from gate activation.

Major Insurance Company Computer Campus – Great Valley

Client concerned about terrorist or saboteur strike. We identified above ground basement ventilation vents as possible intake of poisonous gas and specified how to protect.

General Contractor – Philadelphia

A busy Center City location of new high-rise steel construction had temporary fence panels with 9” gaps from bottom of panels to ground (code stipulates less than 4”). Also adjacent concrete “Jersey barriers” provided convenient step to step over 6’ high panels, making them effectively 3’ high to climb over. Perfect “playground” or childhood wonderland for trespassing children to explore and also a deathtrap. Law holds property owner responsible for injuries to trespassing children.

Car Dealership – Philadelphia

We observed that a 60’ lamppost was missing three of the four nuts on the bolts that hold post to its base, creating a very dangerous situation where the lamppost could have fallen onto Roosevelt Boulevard.

Women’s Prison – NJ

Prisoners could not escape on their own but any confederate of theirs on the outside could readily get them out with little risk of detection.

Restaurant/ Bar – Wildwood NJ

Outdoor bar patio area elevated 10’ above concrete sidewalk. A 30” high wall surrounded edge, always used for sitting upon. A guest was shoved over wall by another guest who attacked him. Defense position was business owner not responsible for criminal acts on property. Our position was wall was not to code (42” height) and owner should have anticipated problems from drinking and fights, given this hazard. The case was settled for millions.
